Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Independence Day

On this special day, as our families come together for barbecues, cookouts, and shooting off fireworks, let us remember the true meaning of 'The Fourth of July.

The true meaning is stated in the title, "Independence Day" for that is what we fought for in that great battle against Britain, the new America's freedom; Freedom from Tyranny, and the freedom to live our lives as individuals.

July 4, 1776, commemorates the publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain when the thirteen American Colonies declared themselves a free nation. This new nation would now be called The United States of America and no longer a part of the British Empire.

During the American Revolution, the legal separation from Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, but it got its final approval and signatures on July 4, 1776.

On July 2, the Continental Congress voted for a resolution of independence which had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee from Virgina. After the Congress voted for independence, they then began to focus on the declaration document to give an explanation for separation. Led by Thomas Jefferson, the principal author, a committee of five prepared the Declaration of Independence. Debate and rewording of the document occurred until they finally agreed upon the statement of the document on the Fourth of July, 1776.

On July 3, 1776, John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, stating that he believed July 2, would be a most memorable event and celebrated through the generations as a great festival.
Adams, of course, was off by two days as the Declaration was not officially signed and recognized until the Fourth day of July.

Historians have long argued against the Fourth of July as the official day of the signing, but Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin all wrote that they had indeed signed the document on the Fourth.

The following year, on July 4, 1777, they celebrated their Independence Day in Bristol, Rhode Island, by firing thirteen gunshots in the salute, once in the morning, and once that evening.

We have the copy of the Declaration of Independence attached to this blog so you can read it at your leisure. I, myself, recite the Declaration of Independence on every Independence Day holiday, to remember why our forefathers worked so hard to bring about this document. To many, it's just words on a page, but to me, it's more. It is the very fiber of our existence as Americans for which we live, love, and enjoy our freedoms.

We, Americans, are Americans today because of the blood, sweat, and tears of our Forefathers endured in those long, tiring, sleepless times as the burden of the future of their children rested in their hands. What an awesome, yet terrible feeling they must have had knowing the decisions they made would affect the generations to come after them.
So, on this Independence Day, we wish you a Happy Fourth of July as you spend your day of activities with your family and friends. I only ask that you, please pause for a moment to remember the bravery of our forefathers and those brave men who fought, suffered, and died so that we, their future, could live in a free country.

God Bless The United States of America, and may our FREEDOMS reign.

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